Live Description

Also known as “Audio Description”, “Live Description” refers to descriptions of the visual elements of a performance or event that are spoken live and in real-time to listeners with vision loss.

VocalEye’s described performances begin ten minutes before the show, with a brief introduction to the characters, costumes and locations. Once the show begins, important visual details and physical actions are described between the lines of dialogue. All descriptions are voiced live and in real-time by a trained Describer.

Only VocalEye users can hear the description through a small handheld receiver and single earpiece that can be worn on either ear. Equipment can be picked up from the VocalEye table in the lobby up to one hour before the show starts. Users are welcome to bring their own earbuds or portable headphones.

VocalEye typically describes only one performance in the show’s run.

View video About Vocaleye described events at the Arts Club.