White Cane Week Open House 2016

Friday February 12, 2016 from 10 AM to 3 PM Park Royal South Shopping Mall, 2nd floor near Osaka Market | Map

February 7 to February 13, 2016 is White Cane Week, an annual event established by the Canadian Council of the Blind in 1946.

As a Chapter of the CCB, VocalEye is delighted to celebrate White Cane Week by hosting a free Open House to raise awareness about vision loss and vision health. More than 15 exhibitors and organizations will be on hand to highlight the community resources, services and products that are available to people living with vision loss.


Friday, February 12 at Park Royal South in West Vancouver from 10 am to 3 pm on the 2nd floor near the Osaka Market. Everyone is welcome and admission is free.

Please stop by and say hello! All visitors will be entered into a draw to win one of two Park Royal gift cards valued at $100 each – generously donated by Park Royal Shopping Centre.

For more information or to request a sighted guide, please call Amy at 604-763-2695.