happy youth playing with binoculars

VocalEye Events

Accessible Arts Adventures

VocalEye makes arts and cultural events more accessible for people who are blind and partially sighted, online and in-person.

In-Person events include live theatre performances and other cultural events in Vancouver, Surrey and Richmond. VocalEye’s access services are tailored to each event. Service details and ticketing information are provided in the event listings.

Online Zoom events include a variety of audio plays, virtual art tours, festival highlights, storytelling and more with host Amy Amantea and special guest artists. Almost Live Zoom events are free and everyone is welcome. One-time registration is required.

Professional Development (Pro D) events include a variety of workshops, training sessions, Describer Café conversations, presentations and learning opportunities for audio describers, access providers and users. These events may be offered in person or online.

Join VocalEye’s mailing list to receive upcoming event announcements.

Past Events

I Think I’m Fallin’

Described on Sunday November 27, 2016 at 2 pm at the Belfry Theatre, 1291 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria | 250-385-6815
The songs of Joni Mitchell.

Bakersfield Mist

Described on Sunday November 13, 2016 at 2 pm at the Arts Club Stanley, 2750 Granville Street, Vancouver | 604-687-1644
A comedy that questions what's real and what's fake in art and in life.

Tales from the Blind Side 4 x 4

Saturday November 5, 2016 from 6 pm to 10 pm | SOLD OUT! at Moose's Down Under Bar and Grill, 830 West Pender Street (downstairs), Vancouver
VocalEye's annual storytelling fundraiser.

To See or Not to See

Described on Saturday October 22, 2016 at 2 pm at the Rotary Centre for the Arts (Mary Irwin Theatre), 421 Cawston Avenue, Kelowna | 250-717-5304
A new play by a Canadian playwright with vision loss, Ruth Bieber.

The Flick

Described on Tuesday October 18, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Arts Club Granville Island, 1585 Johnston Street, Vancouver | 604-687-1644
A sly look at changing reels and changing times.

The Last Wife

Described on Sunday October 16, 2016 at 2 pm at the Belfry Theatre, 1291 Gladstone Avenue in Victoria | 250-385-6815
A witty and modern re-imagining of Henry VIII's relationship with his last wife, Katherine Parr.

The Ghost Train in Stanley Park

Described rides on Oct 14, 15 and 16 from 5:30 pm until 8 pm Pipeline Road in Stanley Park near the Bus Loop | 604-252-3700
Vancouver's Halloween tradition and spooky fun for the whole family.

Carry On: A Musical at the Vancouver Fringe

Described on Wednesday September 14, 2016 at 7:15 pm at the Firehall Arts Centre, 280 East Cordova Street, Vancouver | 604-762-5294
VocalEye's first described performance at the Vancouver Fringe Festival.